

All NOAA nautical maps were obtained from this link. It is a great public source for historic government documents from NOAA.

Information on the Burlington breakwater was obtained from this link to the Army Corp of Engineers study. Congressional information was obtained through searching the congressional register.

Information on lake trout was obtained through personal communication with Dr. J. Ellen Marsden and these papers:

Ellrott, B. J., and J. E. Marsden. 2004. Lake Trout Reproduction in Lake Champlain. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:252-264.
Marsden, J. E., and R. W. Langdon. 2012. The history and future of Lake Champlain’s fishes and fisheries. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38:19-34.

Phosphorous information obtained from the extensive Lake Champlain Basin Program Website